Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like you allowed your anger to get the best of you? You know that you shouldn’t feed into the negativity, but you couldn’t help yourself? We all have moments where we let things pile up, and when we explode, it is not pretty. Sometimes it can be so hard to remain calm and stop things from escalating. Having a short temper usually leads to bad decisions. When you have a short temper it can have many disadvantages. A short temper can cause you to lose friends, get fired from jobs, get arrested, harm someone, or yourself.
Your attitude can mess up a good thing.
I admit my short temper caused my life to be way more difficult. I was always smart and talented, but sometimes my anger has caused me to miss out on a lot of opportunities. It took for me to get kicked out of school, get fired from a job and miss opportunities for me to realize that I needed to work on my anger.I had it in my head that my anger was apart of me, and that if people wanted to deal with me, my rage was something that they would have to deal with. I use to think that because I was smart and talented, that it would make up for my bad attitude.
It Is NOT EASY, but you have to start somewhere.
This process was by far one of the most challenging methods that I dealt with in life. I went through life expressing my pain by fighting, yelling and screaming. That way of living was all I knew, and that was the only way I knew how to handle situations. It took a while for me to break this bad habit. The first step that I took to change my anger is accepting the fact that I needed to change. Once I was able to admit that I needed to change when I actually tried to fix it.
You have to figure out what makes you angry.
I took a step back and asked myself “why I am so angry?” What causes me to be filled with so much rage? I realized that most of the things that made me mad were all based off unresolved issues from my past. For example, I have been in situations where people would abuse their power and blackmail me to get me to do what they want me to do. I do not like the feeling of someone having more control over me than I have over myself, and whenever that happens. I would flip out. Today, I still struggle with this. It bothers me when people abuse their power to manipulate others. However, I’m learning how to obey authority figures without letting them take advantage of me.
Pay attention to your body What do you do when you are angry?
I had to take a step back and pay attention to my body language when I feel myself getting angry. I realized when my body gets hot or when my hands start to shake that I am about to lose my temper. The second that I feel this way instead of hitting someone, fighting, yelling and screaming, I will walk away from the situation and go for a walk or take a deep breath. I begin thinking about all the things that hurt me and fed my anger and found other ways to express it. I learned to forgive and stop holding grudges.
Methods that I use to develop self-control.
I begin to think about the things that bothered me, and I start to release my anger positively. If I get into a vast argument with a close friend or family member, I would try to meditate. Mediation is good because meditation requires you to focus on one object to clear and relax your mind. If you are mad, this will force you to relax, and it will prevent you from doing anything stupid. And if this method did not work, I will try to write in my journal. Sometimes certain situations have to be expressed ln a real sense. When I am upset I will write a letter to the person I am mad at. I never give them the letter. I use it as a way to pour out my emotions. Activities that can calm you down.
I’m going, being honest depending on how mad I am sometimes those methods won’t work. I will have to get dressed and go to the gym and workout until I am no longer angry. I had some of the most intense workouts, and I have seen great results from this method. I also love music, so if I find myself getting mad, I will play my favorite songs and sing to the top of my lungs. When I sing my favorite songs it so easy for me to forget what I am mad about. Outside of my anger, I am a goofy person. Sometimes instead of letting something piss me off I will make a joke about the situation and laugh it off.
Change the way you think.
[actt mask=”One of the most powerful things that helped me control my anger was my mindstate. I really had to think to myself. “ Is this worth my time? Is this worth me losing my job over? Sometimes thinking out loud made stopped me from losing my temper” tweet=”One of the most powerful things that helped me control my anger was my mindstate. I really had to think to myself. “ Is this worth my time? Is this worth me losing my job over? Sometimes thinking out loud made stopped me from losing my temper @arteria_shanay https://getintuned.com/things-you-can-do-when-you-have-a-short-temper/” btn-text=”Tweet This ” duration=”” delay=”” font=”poiret-one” anim=”none” template=”bbutton”]. A lot of people are aware that I have a temper and they do things intentionally to piss me off I am very, and capable of achieving anything I put my mind to and my weakness was always my anger. People know that, and they will use it against me to try to stop me from evolving. I know that, and for this reason, I do not allow them to win.
The whole point is to find a way to distract your anger or find a way to release it in a way that it is healthy.