Why Men Get Curved

I heard guys complain all the time when they get rejected by a female. Guys hate being rejected by women. Some men will be so offended that they will insult a girl after being denied. They will call ladies out their name, tell her she’s ugly and try to hurt her feelings because their feelings are hurt! Sometimes men just have the face the fact that every female that they are interested in is not going to be into them. Sometimes you are not her type. Sometimes men don’t realize that some of the things they do can make women not want anything to do with you.

A lot of guys are so big headed that they don’t even realize that they are a turnoff. They think that when a female doesn’t like them that she’s being stuck up, but that’s not the case.

Men need to be mindful of how they approach a woman that they are trying to pursue.

The first interaction that you have with a woman will determine if she will be interested in you or not.

Let’s just make something clear. Do not try to approach a female when your around a big group of guys, yelling trying to get her attention. Women feel super uncomfortable walking past a group of guys already, and it is a complete turn off when a Guy is yelling ” “Yurp,” ” Yo,” “Ayo shawty with the pink shirt.”

1. It’s disrespectful
2. It’s a turnoff.

If you don’t know how to approach a woman, they are not going wanna talk to you.

Yeah, you’re cute and?

Men think because they are cute they can have whoever they want. WRONG. What else do you have to offer? Are you respectful? Are you a good person? You cant be shallow, self-centered and think that a female is going to like you. That’s only going to work for so long.

Flashy- That flashy shit is played out. The only type of females that like flashy men is the females that don’t have shit. Getting fly is cool having a nice car is cool, but if you have a closet filled with designer without a car and without a place to live then what are you doing? Females do not want someone who does not have their priorities straight. Nor does she want to deal with someone who is always showing off.

Can’t converse – As much as a female likes a man to admire her beauty, that’s not all she wants to talk discuss. You can tell a woman she’s pretty a million times, but what else are Y’all gonna talk about? If you can’t hold then whats the point? How do you expect to get to know one another? The only thing Y’all are going to have in common is an attraction, which is anywhere.

Guys that try to force women to like them
If a female is not into you, accept it does not attempt to convince her and try over and over again! If a lady says she’s not interested, she means it. Do not mistake her lack of interest in playing hard to get. Let it go!

Sending nudes – The worse thing you can do is try to start a conversation by submitting a dick pic. What exactly do you think is going to happen? Who said she wanted to see that let alone have sex with you?

You do too much

Sometimes females are busy do not get mad or try to argue with her because she does not respond to you right away.
Do not keep sending a message after message gives her a chance to respond to you. Not only is it annoying but it makes you seem desperate. Females do not like guys who make them feel obligated!


Insecure guys are very insulting. They will make offensive jokes to women to try to ruin her self-esteem. Or they regularly over talk and try to outsmart women just to make themselves feel better. No female wants to deal with that. Some guys are even bold enough to tell women that they insult her just to humble her. That is weak. You should want the girl you like to be confident!

Dear Guys,
If any guys are reading this,  that is unaware of this I’m here to tell you to avoid all of this. Take it from a female that knows.
Ps. Do not listen to your dumb ass friends! They are clueless!

5 thoughts on “Why Men Get Curved”

  1. Thes are all great points and goo thing to know when approaching a women. I wish you could give a broader spectrum because some times women play games just because they think they are that fly. These same women who curve good men all day are the ones who end up in the most toxic relationships. Alot also turn iut to be materialistic or social media abusers. Only doing things with the thought of how others would perceive them vs how the man could make them happy and feel like a queen. what im saying is its nit always the guy. A women could have had past relationship issue or father issues or watched her mother or friend go through things and makes them vindicated. Now good men have to be under scrutiny and get the i am women all by myself attitude. It nakes it hard for a man with good intentions to be who they want to be for you as a women.

    1. I agree some women do that, which all depends on her maturity level or she is not that interested in you if she is playing games. There are beautiful women out there that want a genuine guy, and a lot of men will not value her. People assume that pretty women curve men because they think they are too good when it is not the case. Being pretty is hard because beautiful women attract a lot of guys and everyone assumes shes shallow because of it. Not all females are like that. There are more assholes then they are good men. And sometimes it may take a while for women to be able to see a good man as a good man. Men go through this too men pick the wrong women all the time. So it works both ways. This post was more of a guide to tell men what turns women off and what to stay away from, so that way men can get somewhere with a girl. If a guy were to give me all the tips of what turns him off, I would be happy to know because I know men can be hard to understand and women can be hard to understand. I like your point of view maybe you should make a post about this from a man perspective? I would like to read it.

  2. Repost!!! A lot of men think getting curved is like the end of the world or as if they didn’t bring it upon theirselves. Women get curved too, I think we handle it better, whether it is mentally or physically.

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