Have you ever went to seek advice from a friend about a person that you were dating? As you go to describe your situation to them, they stop you and ask “ what’s your partner zodiac sign ?” If you are one that does not study astrology, then you would probably look to your friend and ask “ what does that have to do with anything? Why does that matter ?” On the other hand, if you are into astrology, you’ll probably be able to answer the question without hesitation.
Are zodiac signs accurate or not?
Some people believe that zodiac signs are not accurate. Some people believe that zodiacs are just general statements and theories that are attached to birthdates. People think that the characteristics that describe their sign do not apply to them. I was curious to see how others felt about this topic, so I created a poll to get feedback. The poll on Instagram consisted of two questions.
Instagram Poll
Question #1 Do you pay attention to zodiac sign?
A: 33% said yes, and 67% said no
Question # 2: Do you believe that people that are not compatible zodiacal can be together in a healthy relationship?
A: Yes signs don’t matter 82 %
No signs matter 18%
Poll Discussion
A few people messaged me and told me that they have never been with somebody that they were compatible with.
There were a few others that told me that they were with someone they were compatible with and they did not feel connected to them. Those same people confessed that some of their strongest relationships were from people that they were not compatible with.
Realtionships Without Zodiac Compatibility.
I also know a lot of couples that are together that are not compatible according to the zodiac chart and have been together for years. However, the question is the relationship healthy or unhealthy? Do their arguments and misunderstandings occur because of their lack of compatibility? If you were in a
Relationship with someone that you weren’t compatible with then do you believe it was the lack of compatibility or did you outgrow each other?
Example: Leo and Virgo.
Virgo is good at budging money. They are organized and punctual. Because they are a perfectionist, they may come off boring to a Leo.
Leo’s are not good with money. They work hard and will work as hard as they need to make their money. However, they do not care about spending money. Leo’s like to go out all the time, and Virgos are more of stay at home people. Their differences will help the two learn a lot from each other. Both signs are sensitive and are prideful. Their pride can cause them to have a hard time moving further in the relationship. Both signs can allow their emotions to affect how they communicate.
The perks of dating someone that you’re not compatible with.
If you to maintain a relationship with someone who shares different views from you, then you will have to learn to see things from each other perspective. There is nothing wrong with that however it can be challenging to deal with. Some people are set in their ways so it may be hard for a person to see things from someone else standpoint. However, it can be a good thing to be with someone that shares a different standpoint form you because you can learn a lot from them. Your partner may be able to help you see things in a way that may help you get further ahead. When you look at things different it may require you and your partner to break your bad habits.
Is it helping your grow or are you changing yourself for someone else?
The question is, are you able to break those bad habits for the person you love or are your habits and characteristics just something that is apart of you? Will you be willing to change your ways for you and your partner to coexist? Or do you feel like you are not yourself to keep them?
The perks of Being with someone that you’re compatible with.
When you’re with somebody that your compatible with you two may see things differently as well, being fit does not mean that you see the world the same no two people do. However, it says that you two can relate to one another because you share common ground in certain areas. Click this article to learn the benefits of dating someone compatible with your zodiac. 7 REASONS TO DATE SOMEONE COMPATIBLE WITH YOUR ZODIAC SIGN.

For example Virgo and Sagittarius. ( JayZ & Beyonce ).
Virgo’s are perfectionist that pays close attention to detail. Since Virgos are perfectionist, it can be hard for them to take a risk and they get stuck at the perfect moment or the perfect opportunity.
Whereas Sagittarius is more of a risk taker, they can adapt to change quickly, and they can do things in the spear of the moment as long as they believe the outcome overall is worth it.
They both see things differently however they balance each other out and challenge each other.
They also are good at helping each other reach each other goals. They are both hard working and motivated people. They will be good business partners and are very good with finances. They both have high standards and values, so my question is, do signs matter? Which one does think? Do you believe your relationship was successful or failed based on these factors?
I feel like zodiac signs doesn’t determine the whole person but they do possess a lot of the traits like sags are “too immature” for the “perfectionist” Virgo but they can have a strong friendship and maybe that’s why Jay and Bey are lasting a long time. Once you establish a friendship first, the rest falls into place!
That makes sense I definitely do agree . It may just take some time the two of you to adapt to each-other habits .
I love this article and YES I do believe in Zodiac signs. Recently I was in a relationship with a Capricorn and I’m a Scorpio and we are supposedly a match made in heaven, but whoo the relationship was a serious roller coaster ride and it never stopped.
I heard that was a good match too . Well I guess sometimes it really does depend on the person huh ? That’s interesting.
I don’t necessarily think they play a huge role in whether a relationship is a success or failure. I feel like people make too many excuses or reasons for certain things because of their sign, but I will say it does play some parts in how some of our personalities are or maybe the way we think.
I really love your perspective and I agree. I believe everyone can break their bad habits if they really care enough to do .
so true. Enjoyed your post love!
I’m interested in star signs but not as much as others seem to be, I still don’t understand what moon signs are! I’m a cancer and my boyfriend is an aries and it’s the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in, but sometimes it feels like he should be the water sign and I’m more firey.
I wonder if the Zodiac sign compatibility factor really works with whom you interact with? In some cases, it was true for me and some not.
I always wondered that too . I know some cases I generally get along everybody but some people of certain signs I cannot deal with. But it still depends on the persons maturity and mindset as well .
This was interesting! I’ve never really studied astrology before, but it’d be interesting to see what other signs I’d be compatible with!
Thank you for your feedback . I’m glad you liked it . What is your zodiac sign?
This post was interesting because i am a Leo and I agree with all of the things you said except that we’re bad with money lol but good post!
Really ? I’m a Leo/Virgo I’m in between . But I’m glad you pointed that out . I guess that proves that everything that is associated with a person sign is does not apply . Thank you for reading 💕
Yeah I’ve actually heard that July & August Leo’s are slightly different so idk cause I’m a July Leo & you’re welcome 😊
Wow, I never really paid attention to zodiac signs, especially in relationships. I only knew I was Sagittarius, read things about me that I knew and didn’t know. But till date, I don’t even know the signs of any of my ex partners. It seems like a lot of stress to me judging a person by their zodiac sign. I will try to study this more, interesting. Thanks for exposing me to this xx
I know what you mean . A lot of people feel that way as well . It all depends how wrapped up you are I guess. But no problem I wonder if you will notice a difference. Let me know if you do .
I love this article! I’m very interested in star signs.
I’m a Gemini and I know that I’m compatible with Aquarians and Librans apparently.
Thanks for sharing this message.
Kelle – http://www.itskellesspace.com
Thank you . I appreciate your feedback . Have you ever dated anyone that was compatible with your zodiac sign?
This is powerful! I believe in the zodiac signs more then not. I’m a Leo and my fiance is a cancer, complete opposite and we butt heads more then ever but I’ve never loved someone the way I do him. I’ve been with another Leo and it was more attraction then anything. My zodiac has never been wrong about my day or month so yes I believe it! Great post!
I love Leo’s . I’m in between Leo and Virgo . You probably but heads because both signs are sensitive . But that’s how I feel about my horoscopes too . I’m glad you believe in this as well 💕. Thanks for sharing
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