
Manifestation- The Do’s And Don’ts

Positive vibes leads to positive manifestation.

I’m sure most people have heard of the term manifestation and how powerful it is. Every success story in the media discusses the importance of manifestation.  I’m sure people have told you that if you think positive, then you will see positive results. Maybe at some point in your life, you might have thought that it sounded a little cliche. As a result, you may have brushed it off whenever someone brought up the power of manifestation. Perhaps you experienced moments in your life where your positive thoughts still lead to “negative ”  results. Those instances may have caused you to doubt the power of positive thinking. It may have even caused you to prepare for the worse so you can spear yourself the disappointment in case things didn’t work out as planned.

 But even when you make the decision to prepare for the worse you still are manifesting.

The only thing is you are manifesting the things that you don’t want. Some people justify their negative thoughts. When they say things like  ” good things don’t usually happen to me.” They buy into this way of thinking. As a result, they expect a bare minimum.   People don’t believe that the mind is powerful enough to change their life.

Positive thinking helped me activate positive manifestation.

When I took the time out to think positive my life changed for the better. Did I still face obstacles? Absolutely!  But it did not affect me as much as it did when I had a negative perspective. My life felt magical.  Anything I ever asked for I received. Obstacles that stood in my way were removed from my life. I set a goal and I knew for certain that I was going to reach it. I refused to take no for an answer. Even when things went in the opposite direction of what I anticipated.

I assumed I had good luck. My knowledge of manifestation did not exist.

My goal to become a bartender came true.  I got a job as a waitress at a local bar and grill.  My managers were not aware of my plan However, I wrote in my journal. I also told my family and friends that I was going to become a bartender. The funny thing is my job didn’t have any bartenders positions open. It did not stop me from telling people that I was a bartender in the making. I invited friends over practice how to mix drinks. Sometimes I  pretended to be a bartender. It took me 6 months to move up to a bartender position.

How manifestation worked for me.

Like I said before I had no idea about the power of manifestation.  To be honest, though it was good luck. Until things kept happening. I set a goal to receive a scholarship. Ironically my last year I had a balance of $16,000. My credit score made it hard for me to take out loans.  On top of that, I received all the money I could for financial aid. Of course, I had no idea how I was going to get that money. I emailed my guidance counselor to figure out my options. She told me there wasn’t any. Two days later she emailed me back. She told me that my GPA was high enough for me to receive a scholarship. The scholarship paid my tuition in full.

How did my mind go from being magical to non-magical?

But one day my luck ran out. I had no idea why. It did raise a concern but I couldn’t figure it out. I never fully understood the formula to manifestation. However, now that I know how the power of manifestation works. I can see why things slowed down for me. it was my mindset and/or my vibrations. I went through depression.  I’m sure my thoughts were not as positive as they could be. Even when I did speak positive thoughts, My spirit was down. So low vibrations made me attract negative forces.

Speaking positive thoughts and speaking things into existence is only half the work.

You still have to make sure your vibrations match the things you want to create.  Things will only come closer when you can feel it. It doesn’t matter what happens around you. Always remember to ignore reality and focus on your desires.

when you feed into reality is when you ruin the manifestation process. The problem is when you think too much about reality. You will start to second guess the possibility. it’s not good to place that self-doubt into the things you want. The universe will just send you more reasons to be doubtful. You can say you want to be a millionaire. But you have to feel it in your heart. Your desires will only form when your emotions and statements match.

it’s important to realize that we all have the power to manifest. however, what you manifest depends on your mind.

We manifest good and bad things in our lives. I had moments where my, manifestation techniques only allowed me to manifest positive things. And I been in a position where I manifest negative things. All because of my vibrations.  Yeah, I spoke positive, but I didn’t feel positive.  So it’s important to figure out the things that make you feel good. Listening to my favorite song, dancing, or watching something funny puts me in a good mood. For this reason, I  make sure I engage in those activities.  I make sure I do this before I start my day let alone manifest. The reason I do this so I can increase my vibrations as much as I can.  That way I can attract positive things.

Always be mindful of your emotions and intentions before you try to seek anything.

Take me for an example. I tried to manifest healthy, supportive friendships. However, I managed to attract the opposite of that because I had trust issues from previous friendships. So, of course, I put a guard up, which blocked me from connecting with anyone.  On top of that, I wasn’t patient enough either.  When I begin to feel lonely I made the choice to repatch some of my old friendships. Even though I didn’t trust them I was around them because I felt alone. This had a huge impact on why my positive manifestation process stopped working. I was seeking my desires out of lack instead of faith, which are are low vibration characteristics. So I attracted people based on how I was feeling, instead of what I wanted.

Keep your mind at ease.

When you want something its important to be patient. Do not drive yourself crazy because things did not appear yet. This can cause you to move in the wrong direction. Don’t get me wrong its normal to feel doubt. But make sure you use positive affirmations to remove your doubts. Tell yourself daily that you deserve the things that desire. You have to believe that you are worthy in order for the universe to believe you are worthy.

Show Gratitude.

When you show gratitude for the things you have you tend to get more. Make it clear to the universe that you will appreciate the blessing before it arrives. When you complain it pulls you further from your goals.  Also, be grateful when someone tries to help you. I know sometimes we want things on our own. But you have to learn to accept help. The universe delivers things in different forms. You may cross paths with someone to receive your blessing. Do not let your pride block your blessings.

Accept all the help you can get.

The universe may have sent that person in your direction to help you.  The last thing you want to do is to turn down something that is sent to you.  You will make the universe believe that you do not want or need it anymore. As a result, you will have to wait longer.

Pay attention to your words of choice.

When you want to attract wealth to be mindful of the words you use. Get rid of statements that say “I am broke  or I can’t afford it.” Those word choices will keep you in debt.  The universe will dish you what you dish out. Remove every word that can stop your success. Words such as ” can’t, or impossible need to be removed from your vocabulary. Trust me you will see a huge difference in your life once you do.

Need help with your journey?

I put together a few books that helped me along my journey. all of the books listed are packed with insightful information. in addition to that, all of these books provide tasks that will help you get started on your new journey.  ( Disclaimer the links listed below include affiliate links.)

Laws  of attraction: The Secret

Gratitude: The Magic – Secret (Rhonda Byrne)

How to look at the glass half full instead of half empty. Are We Happy Yet?: Eight Keys to Unlocking a Joyful Life

I know books can get expensive if you own a kindle it can be way cheaper to purchase these books. Also, make sure you take advantage of the Kindle Unlimited Membership Plans you can pay a small money fee and get tons of good books for free. this subscription has saved me so much much money.



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