Chase Your Goals – Overcome Your Lack of Fulfillment In Life.

Many people feel like they should be further in life. I hear many people say they feel like they should have reached their goals a long time ago. Moreover, I always ask people what causes them to feel this way? Some people make goals for themselves, but fail to put in the work to accomplish them. On the other hand, there are individuals that work hard to accomplish their goals, but they fail to give themselves credit.


Get out of your head

Most people know what they need to do in order to be successful, but they are too afraid to take the first step that is needed for them to get started.  Too often people get discouraged to chase their goals because they believe the process is too overwhelming. If you are one of those people that know what you want and are failing to make it happen then, you will feel like you are not doing enough because deep down inside you know that you aren’t. Most of the time people over analyze things, and when this happens, they tend to make a task seem way more complicated than it is. For this reason, people get discouraged which leads to procrastination.  


Change the way you view things

. There are times I do this even when I  have a basket filled with laundry. There are times  I will prolong doing my laundry because I feel like the process of it is way too much.  Just the thought of sitting in a laundromat for hours waiting on clothes make me cringe.  So I decided not to think about it too much. When I see my laundry basket is full, I get up and go to the laundromat.  I make sure that I run errands while my clothes are in the washer, or I take a book or my laptop with me to keep myself occupied while I wait. Now it is easier for me to get my laundry done because I learned to make the best out it.


Less thinking more action.

Once you figure out what you want out of life do something about it. It is that simple. Do not spend too much time thinking about what can go wrong. Take the time to think about what can go right and push yourself. No one ever has things completely figure out in the beginning, but as time goes on you will figure it out.  Do not think about how long it’s going to take for you to reach your goals. When you sit around and think about how long it’s going to take reach your goals, you are taking yourself further away from it. Understand that the time that it takes for you to accomplish your goal does not matter, what matters is that you do it.

Are you chasing your goals but still feel stagnant? 

Now some people are doing what they are supposed to be doing. They work hard and chase after their goals, but they still feel stagnant. Most of the time people set big goals of what they want. In most cases, people feel discouraged because they are not where they want to be yet. However just because you did not make it to the finish line, does not mean you are not working hard.


it’s not your time yet.

You may need to learn a little bit before you make it to the top. To see your success and progression, it is crucial that you write down a to-do list and a short-term goal list.  If you write down what you need to accomplish, every week or every month, you will never wake up in the morning feeling lost or confused. You will wake up with a clear plan of what you need to do to get closer to your dreams.


Every goal/ task counts.

It can be something as simple as drinking a gallon of water every day or saving $100 for the week. It does not matter what you put down. There’s no such thing as a stupid goal or task. Every night before you go to bed you should go to your list to review it.  Make sure you cross out everything that you accomplished.  Repeat this process every day until the week or month is up. Stick to this routine until everything is crossed off your list.


Keep track of everything.

If you are unable to complete everything, make sure you put the task at the top of your list for the following week or month. When you do this, you are allowing yourself to see your progression, and you will see yourself getting closer to your big goal.   Once you reach that big goal, you will set bigger goals. During this process, you learn how to attract success which, will eliminate self-doubt. You will never feel like you aren’t doing enough because you will be able to see your dreams manifest right in front of you, which causes you to feel more secure and confident in your choices and success.

3 thoughts on “Chase Your Goals – Overcome Your Lack of Fulfillment In Life.”

  1. Pingback: Weight Loss- The Do's and Don'ts . | GET INTUNED

  2. Pingback: Failure- How to Be kind to yourself After You Fail. | GET INTUNED

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