I want to quit my job but…
You ever worked at a job that you did not want to work at? Every day you go to work and you can’t help but think. “ I really do not want to work here.” You tell your friends, family, and peers how bad you want to quit your job. But when they ask why don’t you quit. You respond. “I want to quit my job BUT. “
You want to quit but what?
The second you say but you are hit with a 100 different reasons on why you can’t leave your job. Whether it’s based on fact or good logic, those justifications are what keep you there. All those different reasons will make you feel discouraged to quit even when you know it’s the right thing to do. As a result, you start to feel that you are stuck at your job. But You aren’t.
YOU are choosing to be stuck.
You are not stuck physically at your job. But your mindset is what causes you to be stuck. So this is the part where you start to get defensive. You respond by saying “ well if I do quit my job, what am I going to do ?”
“ How will I pay my bills ?”But let’s be real. You have the ability to answer all of those questions. If you want to quit your job, then do it. Find the answers to your question. When you quit, what do you plan to do? Do you want to work another job? Do you want to start your own business? What do you want? Figure it out.
You will never quit your job if you are not open-minded.

Don’t plant it in your head that you can’t get the things you want without that job. Trust me when I say, there will always be another job. There will always be another opportunity for you somewhere. So what’s holding you back? What are you afraid of?
Of course, you agree, but you don’t want to admit that you’re afraid. So you respond by saying “ I am not afraid, I have a secure spot and a secure income.”
“ Wouldn’t it be stupid to throw that away?”
“ How stupid would it sound to tell people that I quit my job because I didn’t like it knowing I have bills to pay ?”
Take control over your life
As stupid as you think it may sound. Reality is it’s your truth. Nevermind what people think about you. It may sound stupid and people may laugh at you but so what. You are the one that has to be at a job you don’t like. In the end, you are the one who deals with the consequences of your actions. You know your potential, so why not strive to your highest potential. If you know that you have the ability to be a business owner, why settle for being a worker?
Everyone has dreams of being something great.
Whatever your dream is to go chase it. Now go ahead and tell me that “ dreams do not pay the bills “. It’s not definite you will earn anything .”
Dreams don’t pay the bills if you continue to sleep on them. No, it may not be definite. But the uncertainty will make you work harder to get the best possible results you can. You don’t know the outcome and that’s the beauty of it. The things you strive for can end up being bigger than you ever imagined. But you have to be willing to JUMP.
Prepare to quit your job.
Now I’m not saying go to work tomorrow and just go quit your job. Especially if you don’t have a plan.
But what I will say is come up with a plan. Build the courage to step outside of your comfort zone. if you need help doing so I highly recommend reading Jump By Steve Harvey. He shares how taking a leap of faith helped him thrive in his career. Not only does this story demonstrate how to get out of your comfort zone, but it demonstrates it through personal experience.
Figure out what’s next.
Do your research on the thing you’re most passionate about and find a way to turn it into a career.
Well, I know you’re wondering what if it doesn’t work out?
It will. Because whatever is meant for you will always work out. Your passions will give you a level determination you never thought you had in you. It will be scary and you may have doubts but keep going.
Don’t believe me? Do your research!
There are people that were once where you are maybe worse and they are now living out their dreams. So can you.
Do your research and connect with the right people. Talk to people that were once in your shoes. Read books on your idols. It will work as long as you believe it will.
Be mindful of the excuses you make.
I use to have all these excuses as to why I wouldn’t leave my job. Every day when I woke up I knew I was settling. I never wanted to admit that I was afraid. You wouldn’t believe the excuses I came up with or the thoughts I bought into. I told myself I didn’t want to give up security, but in reality, I didn’t have security at my job in the first place. I worked as a bartender which means I live off tips. No matter what my money was never secure. Yes, I knew I had a job to go to but I never know how much I was bringing home each day.
Ask yourself, do these excuses even sound valid?
So I knew security was a lame excuse. To be honest, I know I was too worried about what people thought.
I didn’t want to look crazy for not having a job. On the outside looking in I had a job that everyone wanted how could I not be happy? I told myself Maybe I’m just being ungrateful.“ Perhaps my job is not that bad after all .” It kept me there longer. But I still felt unfulfilled.
How I blocked out my excuses
I started watching motivational videos. Each video talked to me directly. every video spoke about fear and how to step outside of your comfort zone. For months I listened to emotional videos every day until I built the courage to apply it to my life. Day by day I lost interest in my job. every day I went to work thinking when will it be my last day? When the day came I took a leap of faith and walked out of my job. it was the best choice I ever made.
Now don’t get me wrong I have side hustles to receive income. But I do it when I want and when it’s convenient for me. Now I have more time to focus on my passions.
When I quit my job I learned.
I never had security in the first place. Lack of security was a blessing more than it was a curse. Let’s face it most entrepreneurs do not have security in the beginning. There was no difference in how my income was going to be either way. I already know what if’s like to have an inconsistent income, but those qualities are what will make me a great entrepreneur.
Sometimes our security isn’t really all that secure as we think it is.
What if I told you that you don’t have as much security as you think you do. Would you be willing to leave then? Perhaps you are making the situation seem more secure than what it actually is. Think about it. Just because you go above and beyond at your job does not mean you will get that raise or promotion you wanted. What if the company sees your hard work but can’t afford to increase your pay?
What if I told you that your security can be snatched from you in a matter of a second.? Because that’s how life works.
You can go to work one day & not have a job. What if the company you work for has to make budget cuts and you get laid off?
So you how secure is your security? Your paycheck is secure right now. But it doesn’t mean it will remain that way.
So if you get laid off from that secure job right now, then what? Wouldn’t you have to figure out what you’re going to do next?
So my question is why not apply that to the things you are most passionate about?
I really enjoyed this!
I feel like it really spoke to me in a sense that I’m in this situation right now! I’m holding onto my job that is distasteful for the “security” but it honestly doesn’t even feel that “secure,” and it never did in the first place.
I’m always having the feeling that if I don’t do what I’m asked, I’ll just be replaced in an instant and the reality is I’m just afraid to be left out here on my ass!
Thank you for the food for thought, because I already know the answers, and I just need to act! And thank you for the book suggestion, I will add this to my list for my bookclub ❤️
Thank you for your feedback . I’m glad you found it useful as well as the book recommendation. 💕Sometimes it’s just a matter of time before you decide to walk away. If you started looking for the answers within in you , then this is just confirmation and sooner than later you’ll know when the time is right.