I’ve been the woman that was too loud, too blunt, and too aggressive. They label me to be the one whose pretty but rough around the edges. She’s cold as ice, and if you aren’t prepared to get your feelings hurt just leave her alone. Perhaps I was rough around the edges. But I guess it depends on the kind of shoes you wore when you came in contact with those edges. The shoes that belong to the conservative could never handle that kind of woman.
Some men like their women with a lot of ice. Because even if she gets too hot, or too cold, The solid turns into water and that’s when the true colors show. The way men grew up that’s the only kind of woman they know.

That’s the only way Mr. masculine can remain powerful.
Since Mr. masculine is dominant, his woman has to be submissive.
That kind of man would be dammed if a woman went against this.
Cooking, cleaning, having babies and getting his clothes ready for work was apart of the tradition.
The goals and aspirations of the women have today were non-existent.
Even if she had an interest they went to the back burner so it didn’t make a difference.
Her hard work wasn’t appreciated because fathers, husbands, and sons because they believed it was a given.
Mommy stuck around even when she knew daddy had a mistress because she didn’t have money to support herself and the kids, so sticking around was the best decision. When little girls became ladies, their innocence was cut short and they were forced to have babies. Daddy auctioning his daughters off I swear it was just like slavery. This is why it’s been okay for men to mistreat our women.
Because if any woman went against the code she would be imprisoned.
Ain’t it crazy? That woman that didn’t want to be controlled by a man considered crazy?
Strapping her hands to her back because don’t want to be married, be a stay at home mom, and have babies. If she having causal sex she’s not acting like a lady. Psych wards were the new homes for these kinds of ladies. A woman with power? Oh yeah, she must be crazy. We can’t have a woman like this brainwashing the babies or other ladies. It’s a man world she really must be crazy.It was just to keep men in control.
Do you know how many women were diagnosed? They were giving away diagnoses like the shit was a cold.
Borderline personality disorder wasn’t seen in their sons, but it was seen twice as much in your daughters. It was man-made it was put here to regulate order. So when I am told that I am too loud I get louder! When a man tells me that I mean I assume he can’t handle my honesty. That’s the problem within your ego not within me.
When I am told that I am intimidating, it’s gives me confirmation that if I was born in the early 1900’s I would’ve been considered crazy.
Confined, or maybe killed because I wasn’t acting like a lady. I’m so thankful to be a 90’s baby. I wouldn’t be half of the women that I am today if things were still the same. I’m proud to say that Independence is my middle name.
I don’t need your money, nor do I to be tamed. I have no issue leaving if you mistreat me or start playing games.
I’ll be fine without you because I have strength in my veins.
I was born to be a creative you can’t tell by the name .
I am everything that society tried to stop women from becoming for years.
There’s no way in hell I will allow myself to be treated in that manner. Because those women didn’t have a choice, but I do. I will not be silenced nor will I water myself down to make myself look more appealing. If women being strong, put men in their feelings, then they do some work and do some deep healing. There’s no scoreboard, we should never have to do less so yall can do more. Men already had a headstart so just let us flourish and do our part. This how things should’ve been from the very start.