Gender Roles – Did Men And Women Switch Places ?

A picture that demonstrates the traditional gender roles. The picture shows man giving his wife money. At the bottom, there is the poll that states. " Do you think women had more respect for men back in the day because men were the providers ?" 86% said yes and 14% said no.

Many people believe that it is hard to determine gender roles in the modern world. Some people believe men and women have switched places. There are discussions all over the radio and the internet such as “women are starting to act like men.” Some people believe that women are independent and emotionally detached whereas men are sensitive and dependent. Times has changed. Some people say that women got tired of being hurt by men. Some women admit that they are standing up for themselves and it is time to give men a taste of their own medicine.

What is a woman’s place what is a man place?

Women are now proving the point that they can do anything that a man can do. However, do you believe this is an issue? Should women be allowed to partake in the same behaviors as men? Or should women stay in a “women place?” In the old days, women did not have any dominance; they were submissive. There’s much confusion on the actions that men and women should partake in such as women being feminine and men being masculine. Years ago men and women had set roles. Now that times have changed do we follow the traditions that were set in place years ago? Are we supposed to create new traditions?

The traditional gender roles have always had a significant impact on day to day interactions as well as relationships.

Think about, the things you expect from women and men. Are those expectations based on gender roles? Years ago, men were the breadwinners. Men were given the responsibility to be the providers for their wive and children such as income and shelter. Everyone in the household relied on them, and for this reason, men were not allowed to be open with his or her emotions. As the provider their duty was to remain strong, which caused them to be reserved about their feelings. So now even though times have changed some people still rely on to those stigmas.

How women view men based on gender roles.

Some women may believe that a man that is unstable financially and emotionally which means one is weak. How many females you know want to be with a man that does not have a steady income, who cannot pay bills, and super emotional? Yeah, not too many! Some women do like it, but not too many women do. For all that they feel they mind as well be with a female or be alone. Women feel that way because they base their perception of how a man should be off the traditional gender roles.

Men are guilty of this too.

How many men you know are okay with being with a woman who doesn’t like to cook, do laundry or cater to them?
Years ago women were seen as the caregivers and are still seen that way today. Women held the responsibility of cooking, cleaning and catering to everyone needs in the house.
Even though women are no longer stay at home moms, some men will expect these things from women. Some men believe women that fail to cook, clean, etc. are useless. Take in the fact that women work just as much as men. Some women do not have the time nor the energy to cook. Cooking is not only the responsibility of a woman. Men can cook too. Being that both men and women work, hard they both should take turns cooking and cleaning.

Women are more materialistic.

The first question women want to know is where a man works, the kind of car he drives and so forth. Many women do not take the time to focus on the connection. Alternatively, they may not even allow themselves to form a bond. They cannot get past what he has, and that’s how he his defined. If you can handle your bills and you can provide for yourself, it’s nothing wrong with being with a man that has less than you.

So, ladies, do you want? The traditional way or modern day way?

A picture of a business woman. The picture states " Lets support girl bosses do not be intimated by successful women."

Before women would complain about how distant and reserved men are with their emotions. Now that men are more open with their feelings it should be appreciated. He is not less of a man if he does express himself. Men are entitled to have opinions and be emotional as well. Women should not ridicule men for being emotional. When women behave this way, it will cause men to close off, back up and become distant. Which is what women were complaining about right?

So, men what do you want? The traditional way or modern way?

Men complain when women are too dependent. However, in today society a lot of women are successful CEO’s and are so many successful businesswomen. Most businesswomen have a hard time finding a spouse. it seems that men are not interested in a woman that is ” too successful.” So the question is what do men want? Do men want an independent woman?  If so men have to be okay with the fact that some women, may have a higher earning salary.  There is no need for a man to feel intimated. It is okay for men and women to be dominant.  The same goes for being less emotional. Women that decide logic instead of emotion is not a bad thing.

Now that the times have change people need to remove the traditional gender roles and role with today’s punches. If you are unable to accept these changes and would rather be alone. Then there is a post that will help you. How To Overcome The Stress After A Breakup

3 thoughts on “Gender Roles – Did Men And Women Switch Places ?”

  1. At the end of day, people should be allowed to make their own choices about how to live their lives and NOT be bound to outdated gender roles that were forced on them. No women wants to go back to the days where she wasn’t allowed to work, go to school, own property, and have control of her own body. No one.

    Men are the ones who created and enforced many of these gender roles. It’s only fair they need to adapt and change just like the rest of the world. If they want someone to cook for them, clean for them, or anything else – they should pay for those services or learn to do them on their own. Just like everyone else.

    1. I really love your standpoint on this and I can honestly say I agree with you. I believe people should get over the past and accept things for how they are. As time change we have to change as well . No one is obligated to anything.

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