Mystery Blogger Award

After taking a break from my blog, I was nervous that people were going to stop paying attention to my blog. However a month into my relaunch I found out that I was nominated for a mystery blogger award by I came across Ashley’s blog in a blogging group on twitter and I been reading her content ever since. Ashely has great content and she is very transparent.
As you read her blogs you will feel like you really know her just by reading her post. Outside of her blog, she is pursuing an education in nursing. Ashley is the definition of black excellence. If you are looking for someone that is raw and Inspiring, then I highly recommend you subscribe to her blog.
How I Felt When I Found Out About The Mystery Blogger Award.
Any form of recognition that I receive for my craft is a blessing. Trust and believe I am super thankful to be nominated for this award it feels good to know that people are engaged. No, I may not have the number of views that I want at the moment. But it feels good to be seen and heard. Overall this gave me confirmation that people pay attention to you more than you think. Even when you think people aren’t paying attention, someone is. Most of the time we are our worse critics. We often spend time nitpicking our work and we don’t realize how much time people spend admiring us.
So I Know You’re Probably Wondering What Is A Mystery Blogger Award?
This Mystery Blogger Award was created by Okoto Enigma Okoto Enigma is an established blogger that created a way to help others gain more exposure and recognition for their blogs. She states that she came up with the “Mystery Blogger Award to award amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.” – Okoto Enigma
Why This Blogger Award Is So Important.
As a fellow blogger, she knows what bloggers go through. She created this award because she is aware of the number of work bloggers put in. Too often people underestimate how hard it is to keep up with a blog. There are many bloggers that put in a lot of work. But many of them struggle to get views. Even people that have great content fail to get recognition. As a result, bloggers end up giving up on their blogs. To avoid that she created a way for bloggers to help each other excel.
Mystery Blogger Award Rules
1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
2. List the rules
3. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
5. Tell your readers 3 things about you
6. Nominate 10-20 people
7. Notify your nominees
8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions; include a weird or funny question (specify)
9. Share a link to your best post(s)
3 Things About Me.
- Although I am a social person, I do have moments where I can be extremely anti-social. When I am focused on something or have a lot of things to handle I will go days sometimes weeks without speaking to my friends and family. However, when I handle everything I need to handle I will come back around.
- I want to move to a few states. As crazy as it may sounds I want to move to New York for a year, move to Charlotte, and then spend the rest of my life in California. I have no idea how I’m going to make it happen but I will.
- As hard as it may be to believe, I am the most sensitive person ever. However I am very reserved with my emotions, so most of the time people think I do not care. The only time people see this side is if I am close to them or by reading my poems. ( This is something I need to work on).
My Questions From Ashely ( The Person Who Nominated Me For The Blogger Award).
1. Who/what has been your biggest inspiration when it comes to blogging? Why?
My biggest inspiration came from my writing professor. She pushed me so hard to be a better writer. Her class consisted of us writing on different topics, such as mental health, women’s history, and childhood trauma. This helped me get in touch with who I was as well as what I love to do. This class left a huge impact on me. I wanted to give others the same impact she gave to me. A few months later I told myself I have to do something big and that’s when I created my blog.
2. What inspired your brand/blog name? What other options did you have before deciding on the one you did?
My blog name was inspired by how I viewed the world and what was going on around it at the time. I believed that I was living in this world but I was unaware of what was going on. However, I know I wasn’t alone. Despite what people say I know that others had the same issues. After high school, you go into the world and you have no idea how to survive in the real world. I felt the things that we were taught in school caused many of us to be lost. Not just people that was fresh out of high school, but all adults. I know that a lot of the things we were taught weren’t necessarily true. As I started to unlearn and re-learned I felt that I was finally getting “intuned “ with my emotions, myself and the world. I wanted others to join me in this process. That’s how I got the name.
3. What is your writing ritual? How do you prepare yourself to write a post?
To be honest, most of my blog post stems from the talks I have with people. A lot of people come to me for advice. When I notice that multiple people ask for advice on a given topic, I create a blog about it. The topic we discuss turns into a blog topic and the conversation we have turns into the body of my content. I make bullet points of the most significant parts of the conversation. When I write my post I try to write the post as I would if I were talking to them in person. My rough draft consists of pouring out my thoughts and points. I go back and edit the errors etc. Most importantly, I make sure I incorporate SEO to gain organic traffic. Last but not least, I make it my duty to create and find pictures that will make my post marketable before I publish it.
4. What website do you visit most often?
If I had to choose a site that I visit the most, then I would have to say Youtube. Now that I think about it I probably go on YouTube every day several times a day. For the most part, I use youtube a lot because I watch motivational videos every morning. On top of that youtube is a great source to get information. Since I do a lot of research, I spend a lot of time there.
5. If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done? (Weird Question)
To be honest I do so much crazy shit on regular bases I don’t even know what they would think. Maybe they may think I got into a fight.
The Nominees I Chose For The Mystery Blogger Award is.
My Questions For My Mystery Blogger Award Nominees.
- What do you love about blogging the most and why?
- What is your WHY?
- If you could give advice to someone that is considering writing a blog what would you tell them?
- Name one thing you would tell your younger self and why?
- What are 2 things you LOVE about yourself?
The Post I Beleive Made Me A Candidate For This Blogger Award.
My Best Post
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Thank you so much for nominating me and I loved learning a little more about you!
Thank you love I appreciate you. 💕 you’re so welcome . You’re so raw we need more of that in this world 💕
aw thank you! That really means a lot ♥