Its Okay To Have An Bad Day.

We all have days when it seems that we can not just seem to get it together. Those days when your alarm doesn’t go off when you spill your coffee or dropping food on a brand new shirt.  We all have these days, and sometimes it can be frustrating. You may ask stop and ask yourself “ what is wrong with me? Why can’t I do anything right? Its normal we all have bad days; however, you cannot beat yourself up over it because you will make matters worse.  As much as we want our day to go as planned, in reality life does not work that way. Every day can’t be perfect.  It is normal to have this kind of day and the sooner you realize that the better.


Bad days are needed.

So what can you do when you have an off day?  Take a minute to relax and pace yourself. Take the coffee incident as a prime example. You were at the coffee station at Wawa. ( I mentioned Wawa because they have the best coffee ) You know that you only have a few minutes to get to work, so you rush to make to make your coffee.  You were so busy rushing that you accidentally forget to secure the coffee lid. You get in your car put the coffee in your cup holder and when you go to grab your coffee for a sip the top pops off and spills all over your car. If you were not rushing, you would have been able to see that lid was not on correctly.

Laughter is the best medicine

Sometimes we tend to overthink, and it can cause us to panic, which can cause us to make matters worse. Sometimes you have to take a minute to breathe and get out of your head. If you see that one lousy incident happens, try not to overthink it and do not let that take over your day, if you dwell on the negative aspects of your day you can attract more negativity.  Try to laugh it off. Sometimes minor issues can be so slight that you have to laugh it off. For example, when you spill something on your shirt, try to laugh before you allow yourself to get frustrated. People are most likely going laugh, so you mind as well laugh with them.

Let minor issues remain minor.

I remember last year on St Patrick’s day, my job used green food coloring for all the draft beers. When opened the bottle of food coloring and when I began to open the bottle it splattered all over me. There were splats of green dye in my face, hair, and clothes.  At first, I got aggravated, but when I noticed, I couldn’t the stain off I had no choice but to deal with it. I wasn’t going to leave work over something so stupid. I was not going to allow this to ruin my day.  At first, I thought  “ I look stupid “or “what if people laugh at me? ” Yes, people laughed at me, but not in a way where I was embarrassed. Most people did not laugh until I told them the story behind it and the other half thought liked it because it was festive. 

Is it really that serious?

Sit back and think is small stuff like this really worth ruining your day? Most people will still go to work and school even while dealing with trauma. If you can manage to have a good day when you are going through something traumatic,  then a minor issue should not ruin your day. if you can still function at work after losing a loved one, then you can still have a good day after spilling something on your shirt. If you cant turn your day around, which is normal, just make sure you learn from you mistakes form the day before to make sure that you have a better day the next day.

3 thoughts on “Its Okay To Have An Bad Day.”

  1. love this and love your writing! I never believe anyone who acts like everyday is perfect… everyone has bad days, its nothing to be ashamed of! Also love your idea of not sweating the small stuff, I TOTALLY agree!!

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