Spiritual Cleanse-Reconnect Your Spiritual Intuition.

Spiritual Cleanse

Life will always send you signals. When you are in touch with yourself on a  mental and spiritual level, it is easy to detect them. However, there are times where it’s hard for you to see them. When this happens, it can be frustrating. It is so disappointing when you know better, but you end up making the wrong decision. You notice your focus is off. All the things you would typically be able to stay away from is harder for you to avoid. When this happens, it’s important that you take the time out to cleanse. Everything in this world needs a reset. Without a reset, many things would break down or will not work correctly. Think about how slow your phone, or computer moves when it runs for too long. Have you ever noticed the difference in your devices after you reset them?

Well, that same formula applies to humans. We all need time to recharge. When you take the time out to do this, you will operate more efficiently. If you are unsure if this method will work for you, then check out this article. 11 Signs You Need A Spiritual Detox + How To Make It Happen. This article explains the symptoms and the methods that you need to improve your spiritual connection.


A spiritual cleanse requires work.

All in all, spirituality is designed to guide and protect you. It does not matter what you practice you follow. Despite what you believe in when you are spiritual you should be able to gain clarity. Your higher powers will not send you messages to confuse you. If you receive mixed signals or if you feel a lack of protection, then your connection may be lost. However, a cleanse will help you get the connection back.  As I mentioned before, to run efficiently, you have to go into shut down mode to replenish your energy. You have to avoid everything that requires too much of your enegry.

Our generation worse nightmare. 

No electronics for a week.

Yes, that means that you have to log out of your social media accounts, unplug your TV, turn your phone on do not disturb, and isolate yourself. It may seem like a hard task, but in a few days, you will see tremendous results.

You have to lock yourself out from everything, and everyone to self reflect.

You have to be alone in order to get connected spiritually

The best way to get in touch with your intuition is to sit alone in silence.  You need to be in an environment that brings you peace. During this period, you want to make sure you meditate to open up your mind and release any stress or anxiety you may have. Take the time to figure out what you want and need for yourself. Make sure you figure out where you need to make adjustments and improvements. After you discover this make sure you come up with solutions and execute. Then, it will be easier for your higher powers to guide you in the right direction


 When you know what you want your intuition will become sharper

.Keep in mind that you and your high powers work for hand and hand. Your higher powers will give you whatever you ask.  However, If you are unsure of what you want, then you will not receive clear signals. Whatever you give out you will get back. If you send out mixed messages, then you will get that in return. You have to make your intentions clear, so your higher powers can adequately assist you.

Social media disrupts your spiritual intuition.

Social media can block your focus.  For this reason, you need to take a week or two away from social media. When you focus too much on other people lives, then you start to forget about yours. It does not take long for you to form a social media addiction. It’s so easy to blow off your responsibilities when you spend too much time on social media. Keep in mind social media is an addiction that is hard to detect right away. We see other people’s lives, and we see the things that make others happy, and we try to mock them. When mock others we lose sight of our vision. We fail to see that the things that make others happy may not make us happy. It is essential to realize that we get out of touch with our identity when we try to follow someone else’s path.

Doing this will cause you to separate from your thoughts and your intuition. It is essential to realize that, your intuition is most effective when you are yourself. Some people may not think it makes a difference, but it does. You won’t see how much social media distracts you until you take time away from It. There will be less pressure on you. You will not make choices to please or keep up with the crowd because you will be too focused on yourself. Once you see how clear your mind is and how productive you are, then you will know why it’s crucial.

Accept your spiritual messages.

Intuition never lies

Our spiritual intuition decreases when we ignore visible sings.  Spiritual power comes from belief and faith.  Even if you get a message that you do not want to hear, you have to pay attention to it. Your higher powers will make things clear as day and you may choose to ignore it. The mistake most people make is when they think they know more than their higher powers. As a result, many people go against them. When you ignore your higher powers you make them believe that you do not have faith in them. Always remember that the more you believe, the stronger your spiritual connection will be. I have an article that explains the ways my spiritual intuition guide and protects me. The Importance Of Being Spiritually Inclined.


Show gratitude

Spiritual Gratitude


Make sure you take the time to thank your higher powers. Don’t be afraid to ask them to guide and protect you through your journey. It can be hard for people to get in touch with their higher self because people are afraid of the changes. Sometimes when individuals start to form a spiritual connection, they get scared and pull away from it. People begin to see life from a different perspective, and they feel disconnected from their previous relationships. As a result, some individuals start to resent their spiritual connection. A lot of people find it hard to separate from their attachments. However, people fail to see that it is for the greater good.

With this in mind, you have to be grateful for this process. Whatever your higher powers take away from you they will always replace it. Be thankful for it, because if you don’t, you will never see the reward in it.

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